12 posts categorized in



Occupational Wellness: Returning to Work Health in the workplace as we settle into a new-new-normal

April 23, 2021 by | For Alumni

After over a year working remotely during a global health crisis, many are now feeling a sigh of relief as recovery peeks over the horizon.  As vaccines become increasingly available, we’re seeing a reduction in restrictions for communities and organizations and a slow shift back to ‘normalcy.’    While the recovery has sparked positive excitement, it has also unsurfaced renewed workplace and personal anxieties associated with facing yet another era of change.  Dare we say, the “new-new-normal.” At the top of every company and professional’s mind are when/if/hows of returning to

Panthers in Public Service Alumni response to COVID-19 and preparations for the next pandemic

November 19, 2020 by | For Students

Chapman alumni working in public service are making remarkable contributions towards the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch this recap of an Instagram live discussion where three alumni talk about their roles in responding to the changes taking place, and their preparations for future pandemics. They also share stories about their Chapman experiences and relationships

Recruiting trends in COVID-19 Hear from alumnus about how recruiting trends are changing in the face of COVID-19

November 18, 2020 by | For Students

Listen to Chapman alumnus Brandon Barrett to find out what’s happening in the job market and the hiring adjustments taking place due to COVID-19. Brandon is an executive recruiter at Eastridge Workforce Solutions and he talks about the different ways that companies attract talent, what employers are looking for in candidates and how to search

Navigating your Career How to move forward in the job market today

November 9, 2020 by | For Students

Whenever you’re searching for a job, you want to have in mind key competencies that your employer expects and how you can position yourself as an exceptional applicant. In the video below, you’ll learn from Chapman’s Career Educator, Janelle Farkas, and HireRight’s Global Talent Director, Masha Sweitzer, about effective ways to thrive in the current

Navigating your Attallah Career How to move forward as a K-12 Teacher and Distance Learner today

November 9, 2020 by | For Students

What do K-12 teaching jobs look like now that institutions all over the world are undergoing changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you interested to know how teachers are navigating this moment and their valuable advice from years of experience as educators? Watch this interactive workshop with Attallah College of Educational Studies Career

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