For Students

Thriving at Pacific Life 

November 2, 2020 by | For Students

Pacific Life divisions & key areas of expertise are:  Life Insurance: Financial protection, business planning, continuation strategy, estate planning  Retirement Solutions: Retirement income, asset accumulation and asset allocation strategies Institution: Management of credit risk, management of different situations and provision of stable value for clients  Fortune500 financial service company Pacific Life is changing and impacting the financial world through industry-leading innovation. With its home office located right


A Panther's Guide to Nailing Virtual Interviews

October 22, 2020 by | For Students

With the rise of Covid-19, Zoom and other forms of virtual interviews have become the new medium for the interviewing process. Many employers and educational institutions have switched from in-person interviews to phone and Zoom interviews. Although the process has changed, it does not mean that you are less likely to secure that job! Today,


Thriving at Johnson & Johnson

October 15, 2020 by | For Students

Bragging Rights The world’s largest and most broadly-based healthcare company is working on developing a COVID-19 vaccine, has over 130,000 employees globally, and accomplished $82.1bn in sales last year.   Top Employer of Chapman Talent Johnson and Johnson (J&J) is well-known as a trusted, established healthcare industry giant globally. While many may know and love the logo, what some


Thriving at First American

October 14, 2020 by | For Students

From real estate managers to talent acquisition specialists, marketers to financial analysts, directors to software engineers, dozens of Chapman Panthers have found success at First American over the years. A Top Employer of Chapman talent, First American is not only one of the largest companies in OC, but one of Chapman’s most cherished partners that consistently Thinks


8 Panthers' Top Networking Tips

October 14, 2020 by | For Students

So we’ve all heard that networking can help us somehow connect with people… but what really is networking? Does saying “hi” to someone in the piazza count? How about the random conversation I had with someone while waiting for my order at the Beckman Starbucks? Or the employer I introduced myself to at the Career


Myth vs. Fact: Cover Letters

October 13, 2020 by | For Students

Watch the Peer Career Advisor IG LIVE conversation on this topic on @chapmanucareer IGTV So now that you have finally finished updating your resume (and hopefully have gotten it checked), now comes the next (often, dreaded) part… the cover letter. Here are 10 assumptions about cover letters you should review and understand before submitting your


Myth vs. Facts: Resumes

October 6, 2020 by | For Students

Resumes are single-handedly the most important document to have when it comes to your career and professional development. Check out these myths and facts regarding resumes to ensure your resume is employer-ready! MYTH: I should use a pre-made template that I found on Microsoft or Google to format my resume. It would be best to


How to Prepare for the Virtual Career Fair

September 18, 2020 by | For Students

What is a career fair? A common question that I asked myself as a freshman in college, and one that is asked among many college students. A career fair is a great place to meet potential employers to start building relationships. At our career fair, all of our employers are looking to fill positions for


A Panther's Guide to Handshake

August 31, 2020 by | For Students

I’ve spent a lot of time on Handshake since my first semester at Chapman. As a student, I’ve browsed for internships many times and signed up for numerous events. On the Peer Career Advising and Student Worker side, I’ve approved thousands of job requests and hundreds of employers, helped students book appointments, and more! With

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