The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, in partnership with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Office of Disability Services, is thrilled to announce our keynote speaker for this year’s Conference on Innovative Teaching and Student Success, Dr. Mays Imad. Dr. Imad will present during day 1 of the conference, on August 14. She will also be presenting a workshop on day 2 of the conference, August 15.

Keynote Session: “Toward a Reparative Humanism in Higher Education”

When we are confronted with intersecting crises, how do institutions balance their mission of education with the fact that many of their students and employees are experiencing chronic, if not traumatic, levels of stress and burnout? Dr. Imad explains the concept of “reparative humanism,” and how this new ethic of care might influence our work in higher education moving forward. Participants will be invited to engage with the questions: what does it mean to be human in the academy, to grow and heal, to succeed and thrive, in the aftermath of collective trauma? How might we cultivate forward-looking learning spaces and institutions that address not only current challenges but also past injustices – and that allow all students and employees, regardless of their challenges and backgrounds, to thrive and contribute to the wellbeing of others?

Save the Date!

Mark your calendar and join us for what promises to be an invigorating opportunity to explore, discuss, disentangle, and reflect on the changing role and expectations of the professoriate as we explore a range of topics relevant to this year’s theme, Balancing Rigor and Compassion: Supporting Students on Their Path to Greatness.

Full program and registration details coming in July!