On February 21st, the Escalette Collection Student Art Ambassadors participated in the Parent Spring Summit by giving art tours to parents and students. The day started with a tour of the outdoor sculptures on campus given by Alyson Brandes and Haley Teves. The sculptures share a theme of movement and ever-changing perspectives. The tour group were especially interested in Lightwave and Random Rods by Jerome Kirk that are in front of the Hashinger Science Center. These pieces are made out of stainless steel and aluminum, which allow them to move in the wind. The group watched as the pieces moved slowly and remarked how they were able to move on their own.

Jerome Kirk
Stainless steel and aluminum, 1982


Random Rods
Jerome Kirk
Stainless steel and aluminum, 1987

The next tour of the day was at Beckman Hall, given by Alyson Brandes and Abby Torrence. The tour started on the third floor and moved to the fourth, and included many expressionist pieces by artists such as Ellina Kevorkian and Sam Francis. Art Ambassador, Abby Torrence especially enjoys Untitled 12 Panels by Albert Contreras. She finds the colors, textures, and layers to be intriguing.

Untitled 12 Panels
Albert Contreras
Acrylic, ink, and glitter on panels, 2009-2010

The last tour that the Ambassadors gave during Parent Spring Summit was of the art in the Keck Center for Science and Engineering, given by Candace Chen and Jordyn Sapp. The art pieces in the Keck Center were chosen specifically because of how they integrate art and of science. The Ambassadors especially enjoyed attempting to understand scientific inspirations for some of the pieces. For example, Kellan Shanahan’s works are drawings of growth curves and patterns that are inherent in nature.

Broken Net
Kellan Shanahan
Intaglio print, 2016


The Art Ambassadors had a great day giving tours, teaching newcomers about the pieces, and trying out a few new art puns. Overall, we’d say the Parent Spring Summit was a success!


Student Art Ambassadors work to connect the Escalette collection with the Chapman Community and to educate students about our art. They strive to help our collection be relevant to campus and to listen to our students  For some of our Ambassadors, this was their first time giving tours of our collection.

If you would like to check out the pieces in our collection or take a tour of your own, visit our E-museum: https://wilkinsonartcollections.chapman.edu/collections