232 posts categorized in

Escalette Permanent Collection of Art


Pablo López Luz Documenting America's Wound

April 15, 2019 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Pablo López Luz is a Mexican photographer that documents the landscape of the U.S.- Mexico border. The Escalette Collection will display two photographs from his project, Frontera, at our exhibit, The Border: An Interdisciplinary Examination. Not only are these photographs visually stunning, they explore the sense of division that the border depicts. For this photographer, the border

Talk by Artist Bovey Lee

April 11, 2019 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Join us for a talk by artist Bovey Lee on Thursday May 2 at 11:00am. This is a free event that will take place at the Center for American War Letters Archives in the lower level of Leatherby Libraries. The talk is open to the public and will be followed by lunch. This talk will

Tom Kiefer Photographing America

April 4, 2019 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Tom Kiefer is a photographer who uses his craft to document America. Based out of Arizona, the photographer’s work uses different landscapes and focuses on infrastructure, culture, and experimentation with color. Kiefer is very well known for his amazing work documenting the American backdrop. In 2015, he was named one of the top 50 emerging

Ernst and Drucker The Need For Transgender Stories

April 2, 2019 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Chapman’s Escalette Permanent Collection of Art is proud to feature photography from Rhys Ernst and Zackary Drucker in our newest exhibit, “New Looks: Recent Acquisitions from the Escalette Collection.” Zackary Drucker and Rhys Ernst are creators, most widely known for producing the Emmy-winning Amazon series “Transparent.” However, the two also have a passion for photography. In 2014, the

The Border: An Interdisciplinary Examination

March 7, 2019 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

“…un signo tan convencional, tan preciso y legible que ni se necesita saber inglés o español, matemáticas o geografía, historia o sociología para entenderlo.”  Eduardo Antonio Parra “…a sign so conventional, so precise and legible that you don’t need to know English or Spanish, mathematics or geography, history or sociology to understand it.” Eduardo Antonio

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