Neighborhood Advisory Committee Minutes – November 17, 2015 Meeting

The Neighborhood Advisory Committee met on Nov. 17, 2015, in Argyros Forum 209C.


Committee Members Present

Robert Baca, Pat Buttress, William Crouch, Jeff Frankel, Robert Hitchcock, Dan Jensen, Teri Lepe (via phone), Brian Lochrie, Sandy Quinn, Teresa Smith

Committee Members Absent

Dennis McCuistion, Judy Schroeder, Tim Virius

Administration and Staff

Dawn Bonker, Recording Secretary; Alisa Driscoll, Harold Hewitt, Jr., Daniele Struppa


David May, Kris Olsen, Jerry Price


Daniele Struppa called the meeting to order, welcomed committee members and thanked them for the time and energy they are bringing to this community effort.


Neighbors of Chapman Website

David May, director of web and interactive marketing at Chapman, presented a prototype of the Neighbors of Chapman website and asked for committee members’ feedback on design and content. Among the features highlighted was a one-step submission form on the website for readers to send questions and concerns directly to university officials for prompt attention.

Committee members asked that a Q&A section be incorporated into the website. It was agreed that the Q&A column should be reviewed by the committee prior to publication on the website.

It was noted that the Neighbor to Neighbor newsletter would resume publication in January, 2016, and would include the URL to the new website. The website content would also be provided in the newsletter for readers who prefer print communications. It was agreed that the committee should have input on the content of the Neighbor to Neighbor newsletter.

The merits and logistics of a blog component within the site were also discussed. The committee agreed to include a blog component for the time being to see if it would be helpful.

Student Housing Update

Kris Eric Olsen, vice president of campus planning and operations, reviewed plans for new on-campus student housing. The first report was an update on the progress being made for the Villa Park Orchards (VPO) Residential Village at West Palm Avenue and North Cypress Street. The development is still in the planning phase, but could potentially house 420 students. When complete, the design will pay significant attention to historic integrity of the former VPO packing house.

It was suggested by committee members that the VPO site be recommended as a National Register of Historic Places, in recognition of its role in the region’s agricultural history. The designation would be in addition to the existing historic designation that includes the Old Towne Historic District.

Looking further ahead, Chapman hopes to create a North Residential Village where the Davis Apartments now stand. No active planning is underway, but enhancement of that area would significantly increase availability of on-campus student housing, Olsen said.

The practicalities of other properties Chapman is considering for satellite student housing were also reviewed, including a property near Panther Village on West Chapman Avenue.

Committee members expressed a desire for more information about student housing numbers and construction plans to meet Chapman’s goal of having 50 percent of students housed in university residence halls, either on campus or in satellite locations. Specific committee requests included reports on:

  1. How Chapman’s ratio of student housing to student enrollment compares to its peer colleges and universities.
  2. What progress has been made to identify existing student residences in the community.
  3. More details about in-progress and future housing plans.

Planning and Scheduling of Next Meeting

At the next meeting approximately 30 minutes will be dedicated to discussing the plan for student housing. The primary topic for the remainder of the meeting will be public safety and student behavior. Kris Olsen and Jerry Price will return as guests for the entirety of the meeting and Randy Burba, Chief of Public Safety, will attend for the final hour.

The committee will meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015, in Argyros Forum 209C.

Download PDF of NAC Meeting Minutes – 11.17.15