Here at Chapman, we work hard to make sure that our neighbors and the community we love always enjoy the benefits of us being here, and make every effort to mitigate the concerns of our community. One of the tools we use to accomplish that goal is the Chapman University Specific Plan.

First approved by the City of Orange in 1989, the Specific Plan defines the University’s plans for the development and improvement of our campus. It’s been updated regularly, but the most recent amendment, proposed in 2015, was suspended due to concerns expressed by the City and the community. In the years since, we have worked hard to resolve those issues, improve relationships and enhance the image of Chapman University as an integral part of the City and its surrounding community.

Submission of Specific Plan Amendment 7

On September 5th, Amendment 7 to the Specific Plan was finalized and submitted to City officials. The approval process is lengthy and involved [see graphic below], and we’re committed to keeping you informed at every step. There will be multiple opportunities for public comment over the course of the next 14 months, and we welcome the community’s involvement moving forward.

Timeline of Specific Plan 7

Anticipated Timeline of Specific Plan Amendment 7

Here are the areas of campus development addressed in the plan:

  • Defines development standards and allowable land use within the specific plan. These boundaries are within the University’s current footprint and do not encroach on areas outside that footprint.
  • Allows for the updating and renaming of buildings, promenades and plaza names.
  • Sets site planning guidelines, landscaping standards, and lighting and signing regulations.
  • Allows for a modest growth of our student population over the next ten years

Next Steps

Along with multiple reviews by City staff, the approval process includes a complete Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along with a Traffic Study that will analyze the possible impact to traffic circulation generated by the proposed changes. In late 2020, the plan will be addressed in open hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council before a final decision is reached.

As always, we’re here to respond to your concerns and questions about the Specific Plan and the approval process. As a part of this vibrant, welcoming community, it’s our goal to be the best neighbor possible!


Do have questions, concerns or comments about Chapman University’s Specific Plan and how it will affect our community? Visit our website for more information or to reach out to Community Relations staff. And like our Facebook page to receive timely news and updates on the approval process.