COVID-19 Orange Campus Update
July 28, 2020
Dear Neighbors,
As faculty, staff and administration work to return to campus in the fall, our top priority is the health and safety of the entire community. We will follow all public health guidelines issued by Orange County and California health authorities, and only return if we have their support and approval of our plans and protocols.
Many throughout the community have concerns about the continued spread of COVID-19. We want to share with you our plans for Chapman faculty, staff and students to stay healthy when they return. Please visit cusafelyback.chapman.edu for detailed planning information. We know that if we all work together to stay healthy, we can reduce the spread of the virus and increase the likelihood that we can remain at Chapman.
We also understand there will be an impact on the community. With the temporary need to reduce the number of students living in campus housing, more students than usual will be housed off campus. We are currently working with the Dean of Students, the Office of Public Safety and Orange Police Department to determine what measures we can take to encourage and enforce healthy behavior when students are off campus. Additionally, all students will be required to comply with on-campus health protocols including daily symptom checks.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me at (714) 289-2098 or email driscoll@chapman.edu.
Be sure to follow Chapman University Community Relations on Facebook for the latest updates: Facebook.com/ChapmanUCommunity/.
Alisa Driscoll
Interim Vice President, Community Relations