This semester, students in Chapman’s Integrated Educational Studies (IES) program had the opportunity to work as philanthropists thanks to the Panther Experiential Philanthropy Project, or PEPP.

PEPP is an innovative new program at Chapman University aiming to connect students to community problems, needs, and local solutions. By providing classes grants of up to $2,000, students become grant makers, funding nonprofit organizations addressing challenges aligned with the course’s learning outcomes.

“Just the idea that a program like this is offered is amazing. There is so much need in Orange and LA County, and I love that PEPP is cultivating the next generation of givers and philanthropists,” said Kris Bowen from Miracles for Kids, one of this semester’s grant awardees.

Below are the classes along with the organizations to which they elected to award the grant:

IES 315: Non-Governmental Organizations: Project Hope Alliance to support programs in aid of youth experiencing homelessness.

IES 103-01: Philosophy of Helping: Miracles for Kids to support a wellness program for critically ill children and their families.

IES 103-02: Philosophy of Helping: Dayle McIntosh Center to support individuals with disabilities in emergency crises.

In total, the PEPP program has run six semesters and raised about $30,000 for local nonprofit organizations.  Chapman is currently one of the only universities in southern California that engages in this kind of philanthropy work, creating lifelong donors and philanthropists.

“It’s so great to be a part of an event like this, where you get to hear about the incredible work that students and nonprofits are doing in the community,” said Larry Wanger of the Dayle McIntosh Center.