Chapman University is continuing its transformational trajectory towards becoming one of the elite academic institutions in the country, campus leaders said during the annual State of the University address on Feb. 9.

“It’s always one of the highlights of the year for me to walk on this stage,” said Chapman President Daniele C. Struppa as he began his address at the Musco Center for the Arts Struppa described the university’s ongoing evolution from a regional teaching institution into a national institution renowned for both teaching and research.

“The momentum will take us to become one of the very top institutions in the country,” he said. The presentation showcased many of the efforts across campus to advance the university’s strategic goals, including hiring and developing germinal faculty, programs to improve student retention and graduation rates, progress towards becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution and new leadership across colleges, schools and departments. Matt Parlow, executive vice president and chief advancement officer, joined President Struppa to announce a major gift from Board of Trustees Chairman Emeritus Doy Henley, which will establish the Doy B. Henley School of Management within Argyros College of Business and Economics.

“Chapman is what it is today because of Doy Henley and his incredible leadership on the Board of Trustees,” said President Struppa. “With his great success in the business community and as a board leader, it’s fitting that the school of management will bear his name.