Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the community but just didn’t have the funds? This semester, Chapman’s Office of Community Relations launched a new program called the Community Involvement Grant. With a simple application, students and student organizations are able to qualify for up to $500 to fund a community service project.

The first student organization to utilize this program was Chapman Red Cross with their Totes of Hope program. Their efforts consisted of creating care packages and distributing them to veterans in need.

Chapman Red Cross member Valeria Delgado said, “I loved that we were able to come together as a club in order to do something beneficial for our amazing veterans.” She thanked Chapman Community Relations, saying, “This all wouldn’t have been possible without generous donors so thank you very much for all your help!”

Another member, Jenny Nguyen, reflected on the club’s project. “I thought it was a really great experience helping out those in needs,” said Nguyen. “It was great to do something that was positive towards our community and it helped many veterans in need.”