
Who is the most famous widow of the 20th century?  Here are a few hints: she inspired high fashion hats, a seductively chic corset, perfumes, cigarettes and even a cocktail.   Still mystified?  She was immortalized in three Hollywood films!  Most importantly, thanks to Franz Lehar’s sensual melodies, she transformed a waltz into a musical seduction.  She is none other than The Merry Widow. 

The Merry Widow is a study in flirtation, glamour and high finance.  In order to save the mythical country of Pontevedro from bankruptcy, Count Danilo is ordered to court the rich widow, lest her 50 million is lost to a Frenchman.  Reluctant at first, he soon finds he is in love with the lady herself and not her money.  Don’t miss Opera Chapman’s production of The Merry Widow, April 19-21, 2013 in Chapman Auditorium, Memorial Hall.  For information and tickets, visit