Every year the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) holds a national Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) where thousands of Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, and Physical Therapy students attend.  This year over 11,000 people attended CSM in San Antonio, Texas to hear from keynote speakers, see new research, check out new treatment technology and meet other Physical Therapists from all over the country.  Chapman students and faculty were there to hear what is new in the world of Physical Therapy.

Chapman DPT Students and Faculty who attended CSM

We asked third year student Alex Brown if he could reflect on his experiences at CSM this year.

Q: Why did you want to go to CSM?

A: “I wanted to go to CSM for the experience to see what the conference was all about, and to get some information on potential job opportunities in the future. It was also a chance to see a new city and do a little traveling.”

Q: What did you learn while you were there?

A: “CSM gave me more of a renewed excitement to get into the field, seeing how passionate everyone was about new information and new ideas for becoming better therapists.”

Q: Do you have advice for students who would like to go next year?

A: “For the students going next year, I would say think about what your interests are before you go, that way you can be more intentional with the talks that you’re attending and plan accordingly.  I’d also recommend taking time to talk to the reps at any booth that catches your eye.  It’s rare to have so much information available to you and a human to talk to about it.  You might find an interest you didn’t know you had.”


Next year, CSM will be in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 21-24th, 2018.  Hope to have some Chapman representatives again next year!


Author: DPT student Hillary Bibeau ’17