Red Bull Athlete Exam:

Red Bull Athlete Exam Flyer

Come be a part of this unique live talk show, as we take a journey into the mind of professional big wave surfer Ian Walsh.

On May 7th, Adam Bollinger (Chapman University Student) will get to the root of what makes Walsh tick. What prompts Ian Walsh to surf some of the heaviest waves in the world? In front of a live audience, consisting of 300 or so of his peers, Bollinger will take a look into Ian Walsh’s past and present, and watch never-before-seen footage from the upcoming “Young Jaws” set to release this fall.

The event is an all ages free event, but space is limited and entry will be granted on a first-come first-serve basis. Doors open at 3 PM, live event starts at 4 PM sharp!

Check out the Facebook Event Page, or some of the awesome internet coverage Bolinger drummed up.


Graduate Thesis Screening:

Friday 5/7, we’ll be showing 5 graduate-level thesis films.  The filmmaking teams have been working on these for well over a year, and they represent a culmination of 4 years of expertise cultivated here at Dodge College.  The event starts at 7PM, is free, and open to the public.  Seating is limited to 500 in the Folino Theater, but you can also view the live webcast of the entire event here in the comfort of your home!  If you are turned onto twitter, we’ll be live tweeting the event using the #dodgethesis hashtag – feel free to contribute your likes, comments, or constructive criticism to the conversation.


The Continental Divide
Forced Perspective

You can also download the full program, including cast and crew names, synopses, and stills from the films, here.

Undergraduate Thesis / Final Projects:

Saturday, 5/8, we’ll be showing an enormous host of undergraduate works, including the first crop of Digital Arts final projects, and three documentaries.  The event, which is free and open to the public, begins at 7PM in the Folino Theater, as usual.  The live webcast is also available for viewing here.  If you can’t make it in person, contribute to the conversation with the twitter #dodgethesis hashtag, and support your friends!

Thesis Films:

Violets are Blue
Make Believer Round Midnight The Last Man Standing Sam and Nicky


Marijuana: A Second Class Addiction
Ask the Maid
Without a Land

Digital Arts Projects

A Day in the Park
Hop to It
The Aesthete
The Bench
Ibo, Marvin and Gus


It’s going to be a great, jam-packed night!
