Introducing the newest Avid guest blogger: Dan Duran (Chapman University film student and post intern for Director Steven Sprung on Dispatch)

Only published comments… Aug 27 2010, 03:15 PM by TUnruh

Here on Avid Industry Buzz, we have featured a few exclusive blog series penned by some of the most elite and talented professionals in their respective audio or video industry (does the name Chris Innis ring a bell? Think Oscar and The Hurt Locker!).


It's great to hear from the professionals, but sometimes a fresh perspective is in order. So, in honor of being in the middle of back-to-school season, we lined up a current film student!


Dan Duran is studying at Chapman University and let's just say if college students had to write a "what I did this summer" essay, his would rank at the top! Dan's been working as a post intern for Steven Sprung (editing credits include popular shows like Entourage and Community, and his directorial debut for the forthcoming film Dispatch).


So, for our student readers, perhaps Dan's path towards a professional career will inspire you in your respective pursuits; and for our professional audience, sit back and remember when you were just starting out (and know how important your mentoring relationships are with the next-generation of filmmakers!).


Stay tuned to read the series from Dan Duran – he'll share his thoughts on breaking into the industry and what the intern experience is all about!

See the Original Avid Blog Here!