I know you are all probably working to put the finishing touches on your applications, but just wanted to write a quick note. We have been getting a lot of phone calls today with questions, so to help ease the stress…


If you are having trouble uploading your video, please be patient. Our help desk is here to help you, so give them a call if you are having issues (714) 997-6600. I know that especially people with Macs have been having issues. If you are working with the help desk, and can’t seem to get the video to work, don’t worry too much! As long as you have all your other materials submitted by today, then your file will not be considered late. Just work to get your video submitted this week and you will be fine.


Also, I know the fax machine at Admissions is going crazy right now. If you are having trouble getting through, you can always drop the items in the mail. As long as it is post marked by today you will be fine. (This should just be for letter of recommendation, or if you couldn’t upload our pdf coversheet…everything else should be submitted on the Common App).


These have been the two major issues we have heard about today. We are here until 5pm, so feel free to give our office a call as well if there is anything you need help with.


Good luck…and after today you will be done!!!! (With our application at leastJ)