3252-revision-22Once in a while we post news about arts other than those that are spatial.  This is one of those times.  Local writer and activist Cate Cabot, sponsor to visiting filmmaker Malachi Rempen, wrote the following piece on Rempen’s work; he will make an appearance and present selected films at the Jackson Hole Community School on December 1.  Rempen will speak at 11:30 am, and again at 5:30 pm.

“Malachi Rempen is a young up and coming talent in the film world. In 2009 he took 1st in the shorts film division at theSanta Fe Film Festival after racking up an impressive series of awards with his thesis film, “La Nina del Desierto” which claimed Best Picture, Best Director and Best Cinematography at Chapman University’s 2009 awards ceremony for the Dodge College of Film. “La Nina del Desierto” went on to receive a Student Emmy in the spring of 2010 and in June of 2010 the film received 1st in the film shorts division at the Reno Film Festival.

Born in Switzerland, Malachi Rempen moved with his family to Albuquerque, New Mexico when he was a baby. There he started making movies at an early age. In high school he directed a film that claimed both 1st and 2nd place in a college festival. We are very lucky to have this talented young man visiting and teaching in our community at this early point in the arc of a most promising career. The Jackson Hole Community School will host a single showing of the award winning film, “La Nina del Desierto” on Wednesday evening, Dec. 1 at 5:30 P.M. The time will include a selection of other film shorts produced by this fine artist. Mr. Rempen will be present to discuss the inspiration of film in his life and the multi-disciplinary aspects of film production. This is free event with an open welcome to community members. Please join us for an evening that will stir the senses, engage the heart, stimulate the mind and inspire for months to come.”

Although the public is welcome to attend the 11:30 am session, Rempen will screen “La Nina del Desierto” only at  5:30 pm.

For information contact Sarah Walter at 307.733.5427,  or email swalter@jhcommunityschool.org