I am sure you are all putting the finishing touches on your application right now and getting ready to turn everything in. I just wanted to remind you all to make sure to submit everything online onto the Common Application. The only thing that should be mailed or faxed in is your letter of recommendation for us.


Remember, everything goes to the Office of Admissions first. They process all your paperwork and then everything gets sent over to Dodge College. You will be notified by Admissions if anything is missing, but it may take a couple weeks to come through, so please be patient. Your application will not be late if you are missing materials, as long you submit those materials right away when you are notified.


If are finished with your application, feel free to submit early. That way your materials will start processing right away.


Also, one last note about film production. We have gotten a couple calls this week with people just realizing that the deadline was in November. We do review all applications that come in, even if they are late, but at this point, the chances of getting in are small. If film production is really what you want to do, the best thing to do would probably be to go somewhere else for a year, and try to transfer in next year.


Good luck getting everything finished up! You are almost done!