So many mobile apps – indeed, about 300,000 – and so little time to find the handful that will make mobile life a little happier.

Enter The MoShow, a nationally syndicated television program created by Frank Chindamo, adjunct faculty at Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. The show, co-hosted by a wise-cracking Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff from and an eye-rolling Dana Ward from, is a weekly 30-minute blitz through the best mobile apps, downloads and MMS, a sort of consumer tip forum for what the creators call “The pursuit of app-iness.”

Chindamo, president of Fun Little Movies, a production company specializing in short-form comedy and web movies, says the show is aimed at people 25-55 who are just shifting over to smartphones and overwhelmed by the astounding number of apps available, not “the early adopters who can take the phone apart and work on the moon,” Chindamo says.

The program’s producers, which include the veterans of A Current Affair and Hard Copy, sift through the heap to find the gems they consider to be “the best or most entertaining or most useful to the average American’s life.”

The syndicated show began airing across the country Jan. 1 (It will premiere on DIRECTV Jan. 17), but it has already captured a good amount of media attention, including features in Adweek,, The New York Post, and Yahoo News. 


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