We're back!  And after spending my vacation in Boston, which hovered right around the freezing point, I can't tell you how thrilled I am to announce the first week of Interterm will be a refreshing, sunny, 80 degrees.  Yep, that's just one more advantage of spending your January in Southern California! 

After a very relaxing week and a half off, Dodge College is back and in full swing.  The halls are buzzing with faculty and admins, and more than a few jet-lagged students getting back into the swing of classes.  If you haven't already registered for one of our special Interterm classes, don't worry — this year we'll be giving you a behind-the-scenes peek at one of our most exciting new developments: the Interterm Stunt Class.  Check out this blog over the next few days for more info about how to participate, and over the upcoming weeks to see the project unfold via social media!

Some of our Undergraduate offerings this interterm:  (Want more, including the Graduate listings?  Check out the Course Catalog)

  • FTV 323 Trans-Cultural Documentary

    Prerequisite, FTV 130. This course is designed to give students a practical and theoretical understanding of how the trans-cultural (ethnographic) documentary film can be used as a creative medium to explore and represent local cultures. Chapman Orange campus students will collaborate with visiting students from our Singapore campus to research, develop, and produce a short documentary about an aspect of a local culture that is different from their own. (Offered interterm.) 3 credits.

  • FTV 361 The Structure and Function of a Film Festival

    This course examines the way film festivals operate in conjunction with the global film industry including the historical development of international film festivals and their programming, marketing, and exhibition practices. This is a travel class: students participate in festival events including jury procedures, screenings, workshops, and seminars with filmmakers. Fee: varies. (Offered interterm.) 3 credits.

  • FTV 363 Prime Time Production: Shooting the Dramatic Series

    Prerequisite, FTV 130, or consent of instructor. Corequisite, FTV 363L. Using the script generated in Prime Time Production: Writing the Dramatic Series, this course provides an intensive production experience mirroring the real world rigors of producing a single camera dramatic pilot. Students will learn about and take on the various roles necessary for shooting a series pilot. May be repeated for credit. Fee: $300. (Offered interterm.) 3 credits.

  • FTV 388 Digital Intermediate Workflow

    Prerequisite, FTV 115. An exploration of current technologies employed in film and television post-production as it applies to the Digital Intermediate process. This advanced course analyzes various workflows used in the creation of film and tape masters as well as file based systems. Students will gain practical experience in conforming and color grading. Fee: $75. (Offered interterm.) 3 credits.

  • FTV 414 Producing the News, Talk or Sports TV Pilot

    Prerequisites, FTV 103, or 130, and 114. During the four-week interterm course students create a concept for a TV show, build a set and produce a half–hour pilot. Eligible formats include talk, news magazine, and sports shows. Fee: $300. (Offered interterm.) 3 credits.

  • FTV 416 Expedition Documentary

    Prerequisites, FTV 116, or 335, consent of instructor. This course will provide students with an opportunity to undertake a physically challenging expedition, and to document the experience via a personal documentary film. Expedition locations are TBD, and may include domestic or international destinations. May be repeated for credit. Fee: TBD. (Offered interterm.) 3 credits.


In case you're looking for it, here's the list of Academic Calendars so you can plan your next month, and start looking ahead to the Spring semester!

We're also going to be adding even more content to our websites and social media outlets, including more snapshots of what life is really like at Dodge College, from Tweets, to Facebook posts and questions, to behind-the-scenes videos, blog posts from enrolled students, and much, much more.  Interested in sending us a quote or a picture from any of your classes, productions, campaigns, or extracirriculars?  Don't hesitate to Tweet directly at us, or send me an email personally

Here's hoping you have a fantastic January!