This year, our Sundance travel course is microblogging their experiences!  Check out the Twitter stream below to see all the film news, photos, posters, stories, and fun our students are excited about. (Oh, and yes, there's snow!)

Image courtesy of Dodge student Katie Valovcin, aka @RynnCity

Yep, Dodge College students are blowing up all over Twitter.  Rather than simply keeping a journal of the sights and sounds of Sundance, this year class members, faculty advisors, Film Coordinator Derek Horne, and I collaborated to bring you the very latest in breaking news from the 2012 Sundance Film Festival.  In the upcoming week, I'll be pulling together some of the best shots, stories, quotes, and adventures the students are Tweeting out. But for now, there are already so many exciting things happening, I can barely keep up with them!  See for yourself here, or follow the whole class on the Twitter hashtag #DCFMASundance!

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