If you are reading this and have been admitted to Dodge College and Chapman University…congratulations!! It has been a competitive year so you should be very proud to have gotten to this point. I wanted to share with you two opportunities we offer that should help with your decision-making process.


Panther for A Day

This program allows students to sit in on classes (both GE and Dodge College classes), eat lunch in the cafeteria, and take tours of our campus. The official program is held Mondays and Wednesday from February 20-April 25. You should receive an email invitation for the program from the Office of Admissions. If you have any questions, you can contact their office at (714) 997-6711.


If you are visiting on a Tuesday or Thursday, we can still arrange to have you sit in on a class here at Dodge College. Please contact our office at (714) 997-6765 for more information.


Preview Day

This event is being held on Saturday, April 21 here at Chapman. This event allows you to spend the day here learning more about your major, what your classes will like, speak with faculty etc. It is a great chance to meet with students you will be attending school with, and get any last questions answered. You should receive an invitation for this event in March from the Office of Admissions, and I highly encourage you to attend if you can!


If you have any additional questions for us, feel free to contact us anytime! We are here to help you during this exciting timeJ