Film site SeeFlik has announced the winners of its fall 2011 film competition. Grads of Chapman University and Arizona State helmed the honored shorts.

Chapman alum David Jibladze's drama "Beholden" was selected as Judges Choice by SeeFlik's panel, which included Michael London, Shane Black and Luis Guzman. Arizona State grad Ryan Steiner won the Fan's Favorite competition for his criminal drama "Cadet."

Jibladze also took home the best overall short film award, determined by a combination of judge and fan votes.

Each received a $7,500 cash prize, and Jibladze earned an additional $20,000 for taking the top prize. Prize also includes a meet in L.A. with Endeavor founding partner David Greenblatt.

The competition attracted reps from more than 80 colleges and universities. To qualify, filmmakers had to be current students or recent grads of an accredited film school. All legal U.S. residents will be eligible moving forward.

Site made the competing student-made shorts available through Comcast's Xfinity Web, mobile and on demand services.

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