Southern California is one of the hotbeds of computer game development, not just in the country, but the world.  Saturday, April 28, the Intercollegiate Computer Games Showcase takes place in Dodge College’s Folino Theater.

Chapman University
Dodge College of Film and Media Arts
have long been pioneers in the realm of digital media production – and as such, we’re always striving to expand beyond the boundaries of traditional media.

In that spirit, Dodge College is welcoming a panel of prominent leaders in various fields related to computer gaming, representatives from the Computer Science departments of local colleges and universities (including Chapman’s own
Schmid College of Science and Technology)
, and a bevy of undergraduate and graduate level student contestants to the Folino Theater tomorrow for the
Intercollegiate Game Showcase
, from 2-6 p.m.

Students in the schools’ various programs have submitted games, on any electronic platform which can output to HDMI, to the showcase, to be judged by the panel.  The main criteria are originality, creativity, and execution — not just commercial appeal.

They are all here to claim the top prize of “The Game Showcase Cup,” a trophy to be displayed in the winning school’s hallowed halls.

Runners-up will receive plaques and certificates of their achievements, as well as Windows cellphones, swag from Blizzcon, portable hard drives, and
other prizes for company-specific category awards

Games Showcase at Chapman University

Representatives from Blizzard Entertainment, WD (Western Digital), SpaceX, Quicksilver Software, will join the IEE
in sponsoring the event
, as the IEE and
the International Game Developer’s Association
welcome teams from UC Irvine, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State San Bernadino, Westwood College, and of course, Chapman University, to compete for these exciting prizes.

The main event will showcase the contestants’ presentations for the panel, from 2:00-4:00 p.m., followed by a casual demonstration session, job fair for interested students (so bring your resume!), and reception.  After 6:00 p.m., the event will relax a bit, as participants will get to play select winning titles among other favorites, on the Folino’s huge screen.

For full details, including contacts, sponsors, and event info, please
visit the GameSIG website