Cinephile’s Dream Calendar: June Edition
June 2, 2012
Hello everyone! We’ve made it to June! The summer is here!
View all the Cinephile’s Dream calendars here. You can sign up to receive the calendar by email, or Tweet with the author.
We’ve made it to June! The summer is here! And this marks the 6th edition of everyone’s favorite monthly repertory calendar! And boy, is June a great month for repertory cinema. Attached you’ll find an incomplete calendar because the New Beverly is a bit behind on getting up their shows for the month (I’ll send out the final calendar once they’ve posted everything), but what they’ve got so far is pretty good. Below you’ll find some of the highlights of the month.
This is a month filled with great films that involve rock music and musicians. The world recently lost Levon Helm, the singer and drummer of The Band, and the Aero is doing a tribute to him by showing Scorsese’s amazing concert doc The Last Waltz with Coal Miner’s Daughter, in which Helm plays Loretta Lynn’s father. The Last Waltz is also playing for two nights at the New Beverly on a double bill with Scorsese’s Rolling Stones concert doc Shine a Light. While it’s not as great as Waltz, the music is fantastic, covering a wide range of Stones songs and having some great guests play with the band (the highlight has to be Buddy Guy joining the group to cover Muddy Waters’ “Champagne and Reefer,” it’s one of the best performances I’ve ever seen). Lastly, the Aero is doing a series of music films on the big screen which includes Pennebaker’s Don’t Look Back (his doc about Dylan on tour in England in 1965, Monterey Pop will play next month), Jonathan Demme’s Stop Making Sense (the concert doc about Talking Heads), and Pink Floyd – The Wall. All great films.
In November, Skyfall, the 23rd James Bond film will hit theatres (it’s directed by Sam Mendes, shot by Roger Deakins, and stars Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, and Javier Bardem), but to get your fill until then, you can see ALL 22 Bond films at the Egyptian and Aero as they are played in order over the course of the month.
There are a number of showings of Danny Boyle’s production of Frankenstein starring Benedict Cumberbatch (War Horse, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, the fantastic BBC show Sherlock) and Jonny Lee Miller (Dark Shadows). The show is amazing and, what makes it truly fascinating, is that the actors learned both parts, so on any given night, one of them is the monster and one is the doctor. See it twice and choose who’s better at each part!
Check the calendar to see some of the other great offerings! I’ll see you all at an awesome screening soon!