Dodge College’s student films are making tremendous strides on the indie festival circuit! “Shoot The Moon,” “Election Day,” “Among Giants,” “Incest! The Musical,” and “Palm County” are some of this season’s biggest successes.

Adding to it’s already incredible line of film festival screenings, “Shoot the Moon” has been selected by the judges during this year’s FLICKERS: Rhode Island International Film Festival (RIIFF), August 7-12, 2012.  The film has already won Best Student Film at Greenville International Film Festival, Grand Remi Award for Best Student Film at Worldfest-Houston, both the Best Short Film and Best of Fest Award at the Kansas City Film Fest, and other notable accolades.  The film has a beautiful website, where you can view the synopsis, cast and crew credits, and many other details.  Check out the trailer:

“Among Giants” screened at the New Zealand Mountain Film Festival, selected from nearly 150 films entered this year, making it the first Chapman film to screen in New Zealand!  It played last month at the Thin Line Film Fest in Denton, TX and the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival in Missoula, MT.  Take a look at the film on our Vimeo site:

Stony Brook Film Festival has accepted not one, but two Dodge College films to their festival. Both “Shooting the Moon” and “Election Day” will screen in their 1,000-seat theater to packed audiences.  You can find out more about the festvial here.

Election Day has taken the Platinum Remi prize at  Worldfest in Houston, and also screened recently at the Macon Film Fesitval, in California.

“Incest! the Musical” has won two awards back to back, taking Best Comedy Short at the Arizona Int’l Film Festival, and Best SoCal Film at the Riverside Int’l Film Festival.  Check out the film’s website here, and watch the trailer here.

Nick Erickson’s film “Palm County” won Best Student Short Film at the Action Fest in North Carolina in April.  You can find out more on director Nick Erickson’s website.  Here’s the trailer:

This is just a handful of the exciting places our student films have travelled recently.  Congratulations to all the filmmakers and their teams!