It’s not every day that you watch a great fan film about a super hero you really like. And it’s definitely not every day that said film comes from a group of talented students from the place you work. But that was definitely the case when I watched
, a short film about Static Shock, over the summer.

For those of you not up on super heroes, Static Shock (or Static, as he is known these days), is better known as Virgil Hawkins, from DC Comics, where he was once a member of the Teen Titans and the Justice League. From 2000 until 2004, he was also the star of a fantastic cartoon series on The WB, which followed him through his teenage years.

The film in question, however, follows Virgil Hawkins at a time where he is not Static. It’s the time just after being just a normal teenager, but before coming a leader within the Justice League. It’s a journey of a man who has forgotten his destiny, to his revival as the hero he was always meant to be.

The film came about when writer Leon Langford (MFA/Screenwriting ’15) and director Harjus Singh (MFA/Directing ’16) were watching a preview for
The Flash
on CW, which prompted a conversation about Langford’s theory on Static Shock.

“We both agreed that there was a long time period in Static’s life that the comics or show never explored, but we had some ideas of what might have happened, so we wanted to tell that story,” Langford said.

The two worked out an outline, and began drafting the story. By the time they got to draft 7 was when Gabrielle Shepard (MFA/Film and Television Producing ’16) came aboard when she was assigned to it for the coming semester. The three hit it off when they realized what a love for the character they all shared, and just knew it was going to work out well.

“Everyone else’s story was good, but they weren’t super hero good. You don’t make super hero movies in film school, especially about a character that I watched as a kid, so I was drawn to it,” Shepard said.