This is a story from the American West, a 21st century West, where everyone works a dead-end
job; whose denizens know all too well that the dreams they’ve dreamt are just that, dreams. In
the 1950’s, the Salton Sea was a thriving resort destination, designed with the hope that it would one day rival Palm Springs. Today, rotting fish, abandoned motels, and retirees still holding onto the past are the only evidence of what had once been. A sea that once held promise, a relationship that once felt love and a country whose fate is yet to be determined; these are the characters of this contemporary western.

A year ago, Michael Stevantoni (BFA/Film Production ’18), began working on his first feature
film script. The idea for the film was inspired by a trip to the Salton Sea in his freshman year. Soon after, he fell in love with the book
Salton Sea
by George McCormick. He, along with
producer Gia Rigoli (BFA/Creative Producing ’18), reached out to McCormick and acquired the
rights to the book.


“In McCormick’s work, the landscape becomes the main character and those who inhabit it are
mere pieces of it; pieces of something far greater,” said Stevantoni. “It was unlike anything I had read before and I knew that I wanted to translate this to the screen.There’s a clear parallel between the protagonist’s story and the state of America as a whole.”

With plans to shoot in August 2016, the crew is well into pre-production.
Salton Sea
will be
filmed in and around Yucca Valley, the Salton Sea, and Los Angeles, CA. Earlier this year, the
crew gathered in Mojave, CA and shot the opening scene of the feature film which takes place
at a 1970’s space shuttle landing. The enthusiasm and passion the entire cast and crew showed
has been integral in making the film and trying to secure the last of the financing.
Salton Sea
will be the feature film debut for most of the crew.

“With this film, I want to show the people and places Hollywood cowers from exploring, and
capture this location before it gives way to time completely,” said Stevantoni. “With few films having been shot out there, I will have full creative liberty to introduce audiences to the enchantment and heartbeat I know the Sea holds.”

Jack G. Davis, Giovanni Herrera (Photo by Ariana Victor)

Joining Michael and Gia are Nasser Akkari (BFA/Creative Producing ’17) as a Producer,
Thomas Taugher (BFA/Film Production ’16) as the Director of Photographer, Nicole Jordan-
Webber (BFA/Film Production ’16 as the 1st Assistant Director), Bailey Helvie and Beatrice Ho
(BFA/Creative Producing ’18) as Production Coordinators, as well as dozens of other Chapman
students and alumni that round out the crew.

“I have always been a big believer and proponent of the independent film community and it has
always been my dream to make a film with such a vibrant community of filmmakers,” said Rigoli. “We feel we have a very unique, special story on our hand and we hope we get the opportunity to share our vision with everyone.”

Salton Sea is currently seeking the last of it’s fundraising. If you are interested in supporting the film, check our
their Kickstarter campaign
their Facebook