Throughout the year, we’ll be profiling the staff members at Dodge College to help you better understand who everyone is and what they do. Today, we look at Sorrel Geddes.

What’s your name?

Sorrel Geddes (BA/Public Relations and Advertising ’05). How do you pronounce my name, you ask? Just remember it this way – Sorrel rhymes with Laurel.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Orange County is now home.

What did you do before coming to Chapman?

Before I came to Chapman I was a Regional Staffing Coordinator for the Event Services department for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Between graduation and my job with the Olympics, I worked as the Communications Coordinator for the Directors Guild of Canada, BC District Council.

What is your title here at Chapman?

I am the Special Projects Manager for Dodge College of Film and Media Arts.

Tell us a bit about what your job entails?

In my current role, I manage special projects for Dean Bassett including, but not limited to: maintaining communication and relationships with our VIPs, overseeing our alumni and industry outreach, and serving as a liaison to Chapman Filmed Entertainment and its projects.

Tell us about some of the things you do to help connect alumni to each other and current students.

One of the pieces of my job that I enjoy the most is facilitating connections between our alumni, between our alumni and students, and between the industry and Dodge College. I know the importance of connections and relationships – I received help from a friend and fellow alumna when I was job searching after the Olympics, and without that assistance, I would not be working at Chapman. I work to build programming and provide opportunities for our alumni and students to continue building their networks. I host several mixers in Los Angeles throughout the year and am working with our team to build career programming that will link alumni and students.

What should alumni contact you about?

I love hearing from our alumni!  Send me your news/updates so that I can brag about you or have you write a blog post for our website. If you move or change your contact info, I want to know that too.  Are you looking to post a job for our alumni? I can help with that too! You can contact me at

What would you like to see more of for alumni relations?

My goal is to build an alumni relations program that is sustainable and increases alumni engagement.  I am a proud Chapman University alumns and I want to help make sure everyone knows how amazing our alumni and students are!