Cydney Hansen ’21

What inspired you to pursue a career in film and television?
Growing up as a shy, sensitive kid, I found that the arts were a great way for me to express myself. For the longest time I had two distinct passions, writing and acting, that I kept separate — until I realized I could combine them with a career in film and television. Through the arts I’ve learned that though my voice may never be the loudest in the room, I can contribute in my own way and tell meaningful stories.

Cydney on set of Side Effects May Include.

What made you choose Dodge?
Dodge’s Television Writing and Production program sounded like an absolute dream come true (and it is!). Dodge had one of the few dedicated television programs among schools I considered, which really drew me in. When I visited during “Discover Chapman Day” back in high school, I knew it was the place for me.

What is your favorite class you’ve taken at Dodge?
My favorite Dodge class has been the TWP Pilot Production series of classes. We just wrapped production on our pilot Side Effects May Include, where I served as 1st AD (for the first time!). This series of classes has fostered so much professional and personal growth, while also introducing me to some lovely collaborators and friends.

What can you tell us about your internship with ARRAY?
My internship with ARRAY has been incredibly fulfilling — I’m working for the nonprofit branch of the organization that creates supplemental learning and discussion materials for ARRAY’s films and series. I’m breaking down films in a way that’s so different from a typical script coverage internship, which is giving me a great new perspective for my own writing.

Sets are looking different amidst the pandemic due to necessary COVID-19 precautions.

What are your goals for the future and how do you think this internship will help you achieve them?
One of my greatest goals for the future is to tell authentic stories from underrepresented groups, which happens to perfectly align with ARRAY’s mission! I’m learning so much from everyone at ARRAY that I can continue to apply to my career going forward.