What is your name & what are you studying?
Kyle Scoble, I’m getting a masters in Documentary Film Production.

What inspired you to pursue a career in film?
Growing up, I loved looking through National Geographic magazines.

What made you choose Dodge?
Very few schools in the US have a masters in Documentary film, on top of the that the full time faculty as well as the adjunct professors are all amazing filmmakers with successful films in the SVOD age. It’s also a very diverse group of people.

What is your favorite class at Dodge and why?
Community Voices is a class where we create groups and each group works with a $15,000 budget to make a short documentary that fits within a theme for the year. It’s obviously nice to have money, but being able to work in a group and have two full semesters allows us to really spend time with the footage and project.

If you could give any one piece of advice to your freshman self, what would it be?
Take a deep breath, trust your gut, work harder than the person next to you, and become friends with the people that impress you.