The Hollywood Reporter shared the exciting success of last Friday’s Women In Focus panel in their news section today.

Blogger Tim Appelo discusses the panelists’ extensive Hollywood connections with moderator and Professor Dawn Taubin, and highlights the impressive student interactions on Twitter:

12 Quotes By 5 Female Filmmakers at Chapman: ‘It’s Not a Level Playing Field, Get Over It’

The power level hit a new high at the 13th Women in Focus film panel at Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts on April 20.

Last year’s panelists had current films with over $271 million in worldwide grosses, but the women on the 2012 panel were fresh off projects grossing over $1.6 billion. “It was almost like the six of us were talking in someone’s living room, but there were 400 people watching us,” says Dodge professor and panel moderator Dawn Taubin, former Warner Bros. Pictures marketing head.

How did she lure five Hollywood bigshots to the Orange County event? “I had done a 9-month consulting gig on The Help and War Horse and gotten to know Dreamworks Co-Chairman and CEO Stacey Snider,” says Taubin. “A faculty member knew Nina Jacobson so we asked her, and how lucky were we that a little movie called The Hunger Games came out in the meantime? I met director Jennifer Yuh Nelson (Kung Fu Panda 2) at The Hollywood Reporter‘s Women in Entertainment breakfast in December.”

Hairspray writer Leslie Dixon and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants producer Debra Chase Martin were also on the panel.

Chapman students — who unlike those at many film schools are all granted at least $10,000 funding and own all rights to their work — used Twitter to submit questions to the power panelists.

Stop by the Hollywood Reporter to read the whole article including their 12 favorite quotes from the event quoted on Twitter, and don’t miss the Storify collection housing all the fantastic images, questions, and quotes submitted by attendees via Twitter.