Chapman’s NSAC (National Student Advertising Team) is a national finalist in the American Advertising Federation’s National Student Advertising Competition for the first time since 2011! The team of 29 students began their NSAC journey in the fall to prepare for the competitions held in the spring.

The team is made up of 22 PRA majors from Dodge College. Several of these students are double majoring in other programs such as anthropology, journalism, graphic design, and dance. Non-Dodge/PRA majors include members of the Business Marketing, Communication Studies and Graphic Design programs at Chapman. This diverse group of students came together during a challenging time to dominate at the District level and semi-finals which lead them to advance to the finals.

Kathy Thibault, faculty advisor, shares that “the team learned to produce together remotely which is also a significant achievement.  The move to teaching remotely happened at a point where we were in the thick of everything so the students really had to embrace working together–apart.  This is an added layer of challenge which they rose to completely.”

The team is one of the top eight teams in the nation that will be competing at Nationals the end of May.

Best of luck to our Chapman team!

*Chapman’s NSAC team is currently interviewing for their 2021 team. If interested, please visit the website at