Amber Alexander ’23

What is your name & what are you studying?
I’m Amber Alexander, and I’m a rising junior majoring in Television Writing and Production!

What inspired you to pursue a career in film?
My siblings and I have been doing YouTube professionally since early 2018, and I wanted to use my video production skills to venture into the world of TV! I’ve always loved editing videos specifically, so I hope to work as a professional editor for television.

What made you choose Dodge?
The collaborative energy, the small class size, and the courses they offered. When searching for schools, it seemed like Dodge and the Television Writing and Production major were built specifically for me! And being from Upstate NY, the location and weather was definitely a plus!

What is your favorite class at Dodge and why?
Directing I (FP 239) with Erin Li has been my favorite class so far. Being able to learn from an Asian American filmmaker was a truly special experience for me, as I felt supported and related to many of her stories. She prioritized diversity and mental health for her students, and was exactly what I’d want a professor to be. I was able to learn so much real-life information about the industry from her.

If you could give any one piece of advice to your freshman self, what would it be?
Meet as many people as you can, make funny videos with your friends often, and know that you deserve to be heard.