Alert: 9 days left to fund this awesome looking Kickstarter campaign, raising money for a Dodge alumni-produced film.  Check out the teaser intro they’ve created for the hilarious film at their Kickstarter campaign page.  With 151 backers, and $23,000 pledged already, this is quite a serious undertaking that’s getting a lot of attention.  So take a look, share with your friends, and pledge what you can!  -JP

Guest post from Will Prescott (MFA ’07, Film & Television Production)

A group of Chapman alumni are in the final week of a Kickstarter fundraising campaign for their feature film and they need your help! FEEDING MR. BALDWIN is an independent dark comedy scheduled to shoot this spring. Will Prescott (MFA ’07), Matt Watkins (MFA ’07), Lisa Gallo (MFA ’07), Tom Flynn (MFA ’08), Mark Jwayad (MFA ’08) and Brendan O’Connor (MFA ’12) are only a few of the fellow Dodge College students involved in this ambitious undertaking. With much of the talented crew and hilarious cast already attached, they need only to reach their fundraising goal in order to make this project a reality. Please show your support of indie film and Dodge College alumni by visiting the Kickstarter page and donating.

Here’s a concept teaser for your enjoyment:

Thanks in advance!

Will Prescott