I've been out of the blogging game for a while (two weeks without a post!) because of some big changes we've had around here.  Time to fill everyone in on them!

If you're in any way connected to the administration of Dodge College, chances are high you already know one of our team members has recently left us.  Noelle Novoa, alumnus of the Business School and Dodge College as well, served as our External Communications Coordinator for nearly four years, and had a hand in just about every email, letter, invitation, or Slate you received.  She managed alumni relations, creating and managing some of our most successful networking events; she oversaw all the mailings and formal communications addressed from Dodge;  she helped design the new Prospective Students website, and more recently, the overhauled (new) Current Students website. 

Unfortunately, when someone like Noelle leaves a business, the hole she left is always extremely hard to fill – and in the meantime, many of her duties are reassigned amongst the rest of us.  Also, given the Current Students website launch was two weeks ago, there has been a huge amount of work setting that up and ironing out all the final kinks (and there were many!).  Now that the site is live and functional, we'll enter into a polishing phase, where we'll refine the language across the website, tweak the UI to make the features you use most even more prominent, and add some advanced functionality we weren't able to include in the rollout, like the ability to reserve specific rooms for production or post-production needs, and choose a more flexible format for the Slate to cater to the way you consume news.

All in all we've got an event-packed rest of the year to look forward to, and no shortage of work to keep us busy until the summer!

Also, while we're on the subject, Dodge is hiring a Communications Coordinator to help fill Noelle's shoes, and we're also hiring a new student worker to help assist the maintenance of the website.  Know anyone who'd be good for either job?  Send them the links, or my email!