Chances are high you remember the economy collapsing a few years ago.  But, despite over $20B in losses and bailouts, most people don't really understand what caused the crisis, or who's to blame.  Tomorrow night, you can find out.

We're screening Inside Job, the Academy-Award winning documentary by Charles Ferguson (of No End in Sight fame) which examines the root causes of the disaster, tomorrow night at 7.  We're also holding a panel after the film, featuring some special guests to help us digest this massive, nationwide fraud.

I got to see this film last year at The Telluride Film Fest, and it absolutely blew me away.  Unlike Michael Moore's vaguely-similar film Capitalism: A Love Story, Inside Job never takes a simplistic approach to the material, embracing a wide variety of viewpoints and interviewing people across all spectrums of the financial sector.

What it suggests is that not any one person or institution was responsible, but that the entire system of regulation, trading, banking, and credit-granting is fundamentally flawed and powered by greed.  Everyone was complicit, from the citizens who borrowed beyond their means, but certainly no less at fault than the banks who allowed them to, or the financial institutions who designed systems to profit from them.  The evidence is hard to ignore, and there is a lot of it. 

It's the kind of film that is definitely going to leave you angry afterwards, wanting to do something about it.  We've got the solution – experts taking your questions and discussing what comes next!  Take a look at who we have coming:


In conjunction with the Law School and The Center for Global Law & Development is pleased to present a free screening of "Inside Job," the Academy Award winning documentary about the events leading up to the recent financial crisis. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with Chapman Law Professor Tim Canova, Chapman Law Professor Kurt Eggert, former SEC investigator and whistle blower Gary Aguirre, and Chapman University Presidential Fellow Steven Gjerstad, a member of Vernon Smith's Economic Science Institute. For information, please contact Professor Canova at To view the film trailer, see


And, if you haven't seen the film yet, don't miss the trailer:


See you there!