Destination: Africa, Uganda 2013
Join us for a screening of three short social-issue documentary films created over the summer in Uganda as part of our Destination: Africa Documentary Film Program, on
Thursday, December 5 at 7 p.m. in Folino Theater
. A complimentary reception will follow the screening.

Destination: Africa films are produced in our renowned International Documentary Program and profile non-profit organizations (NG0s), made possible through the generosity of an anonymous donor, for which we
are extremely grateful.


Mor Albalak (BFA/TV & Broadcast Jour.’15), Nate Skeen (BFA/Film Prod. ’14), Stephanie Lincoln (JD/MFA Film & TV Prod.), Shaneika Lai (BFA/TV & Broadcast Jour.’14), Matthew Rogers (BFA/Film Prod. ’14)

City of the Damned
 focuses on LGBT rights in the face of the brutal anti-homosexuality bill before the Ugandan Parliament. Although the death penalty has been withdrawn from the bill due heavily to international pressure, punishments are harsh and public opinion remains the biggest threat to the Ugandan LGBT community. The daring non-governmental organization Youth on Rock Foundation (YRF) is fighting against this stigma by promoting economic empowerment among its members. Najib, YRF’s treasurer, sells clothes in Uganda’s largest market. He wants to prove that his sexuality doesn’t define him; his respect for life, his determination for equality, and his aspirations to become a lawyer and self-respecting Ugandan citizen.


Ben Mullinkosson (BFA/Film Prod. ’13), Matthew Blake (BFA/Film Prod. ’14), Siede Coleman, Malina Fagan (BFA/Film Prod. ’14), Kelsey Laroche (BFA/TV & Broadcast Jour. ’14)

Forest Keepers
takes us deep into the rainforests of southwestern Uganda. There, members of the Batwa tribe, similar to some of those called “pygmies” in other parts of Africa, are trying to rebuild a culture intricately woven into the rhythms of the rain forest, decades after they were expelled by government troops eager to expand lucrative tourism in their native forests. In response, some Batwa have launched the amazing “Batwa Experience,” where tribal elders show younger generations the forest ways in which their people used to live. Can the Batwa keep their culture in the face of the twin forces of expulsion and modernization?


Lauren Lindberg (BFA/TV & Broadcast Jour. ’15), Julianna Madden (JD/MFA Film & TV Prod.), Ashley Moradipour (BFA/TV & Broadcast Jour. ’14), Devyn Bisson (BFA/Creative Prod. ’14), Katie Wise (BFA/TV & Broadcast Jour. ’14)

Under the Mango Tree
trains a sharp eye on the war-ravaged north of Uganda, where one bold NGO is taking dramatic steps to bring together former rebel soldiers and victims of their violence. Grassroots Reconciliation Group works in northern Uganda, setting up fascinating workshops and programs among small rural communities where former fighters and victims of their brutality work side by side in trying to rebuild lives ripped apart by decades of wanton violence. The film profiles two such families, including one where a notorious ex-fighter and a woman abducted into sexual slavery as a child, try to heal themselves by starting their own family.

This event is open to the public. Can’t make it in person? We’ll be
streaming the event live on our Justin.TV live-streaming site
so you can still participate and show your support for our student filmmakers.