Last Saturday, alumni from Dodge College of Media Arts met for their monthly brunch.  Even on a gloomy, drizzly day, there was a great turn out!  Our recent grads had an opportunity to speak with older alumni about navigating the transition from University to career and to ask about how they got to where they are now.

Older alum traded stories and talked about the current state of the industry, all the while making new connections and catching up with old ones.

Paarth Trivedi (BFA/CRPR ’15) said “The brunch was a good time to reconnect with old friends, meet new alum, and hear the success of Chapman TAKING OVER the biz!”

Be sure to join us next month and reconnect with old friends and make new ones. The group meets at the upper deck of the Original Farmers Market in Los Angeles on the second Saturday of every month.  Our next meet up will be July 9th.  Hope to see you there!