Yesterday, Dodge College officially opened their newest addition to the Chapman University family: Chapman Studios West! Located on West Palm Avenue, just a short walk away from Marion Knott Studios, this new location is home to the Dhont Documentary Film Center, which will bring our documentary program to new heights.

Before the ribbon cutting ceremony, Dean Bob Bassett, amongst others, made opening remarks in the brand new screening room, talking about Chapman University’s, and Dodge College’s, journey to earning a place on the map in the world of film.

“We positioned ourselves as the film school of the future, constantly changing and anticipating the business, and what comes next,” he said of why Dodge is so successful. However, he explained that in his travels to conferences with other film schools, he was amazed at how many were jealous over the fact that Dodge College has its own building and facilities within the university at large.

“I’ve learned that if you want a building, you have to go build it yourself. And we did. And continue to,” said Bassett.

“Dodge College went from 0 to 60 in such a short time, and it’s amazing what they have accomplished,” said Chapman University President Daniela Struppa during his remarks. “Bob has been an aggressive innovator, a wonderful talent scout, and a true champion to what the next step for Dodge College is going to be.”

Chapman Studios West is 38,000 square feet, with a new Cine Stage, a Prop room with over 18,000 props, a Scene Shop, a Large Stage for filming, faculty offices, two editing suites, and much more. It will house the cinematography and production design programs. And of course, it is also home of the new Dhont Documentary Film Center.

“I’m seeing this all today for the first time, seeing our name on the wall, and it’s an incredible feeling,” said Andre Dhont, trustee to the Dhont Family Foundation. “We are most honored to join the Dodge family, and continue to help them on their journey to make the best documentary films.”

After the remarks, the crowd made their way to the Cine Stage for the official ribbon cutting ceremony, to mark the opening of the building.

Andre Dhont said it best: “To the students who are about to use this building, I want to say welcome home.”

Thanks to Matt Somogyi for snapping these photos: