5 search results for

"brian hamilton"

Digital Arts Thesis Screening Gallery

June 3, 2015 by | Events

Though it’s been a few weeks since graduation, we’re still sorting through all the things that have happened at the end of the year. A lot has been going on! For example, the Digital Arts Thesis Screenings took place just before graduation weekend, and Bill Kroyer put on quite the show. I mean, come

Students Express Themselves with DMAC Doodles

September 17, 2014 by | Academics

Last week, as I was wandering through the new Digital Media Arts Center, something caught my eye (besides how fantastic the building looks, I mean). You see, the walls were filled with doodles. Doodles as far as the eye could see! It started innocently enough; the frosted glass on some of the offices was meant

Warner Bros. Backlot Tour Wows Korean Students

July 10, 2014 by | Beyond Dodge

For the last few weeks, we’ve had a group of Korean students visiting us at Dodge College as part of our Cross Cultural Filmmaking course, taught by James Gardner . Recently, the students went on the Warner Bros. Backlot Tour. Guest author Brian Hamilton was lucky enough to join them, and sent back this report:

Of Air Rams and Flying Stuntmen

January 11, 2012 by | Beyond Dodge

new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: ‘search’, search: ‘#StuntClass’, interval: 30000, title: ‘Interterm Stunt Class Tweets’, subject: ‘See What\’s Happening!’, width: ‘auto’, height: 300, theme: { shell: { background: ‘#2c8cb8’, color: ‘#ffffff’ }, tweets: { background: ‘#ffffff’, color: ‘#444444’, links: ‘#1985b5’ } }, features: { scrollbar: true, loop: false, live: true, behavior: ‘all’ } }).render().start();  
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