11 posts tagged



This Might Hurt Alumni documentary addresses the hidden realities of chronic pain

July 1, 2019 by Dodge College Staff | Alumni

Many powerful documentaries are born out of personal pain—a traumatic or tragic experience the filmmaker feels compelled to explore and share. For Kent Bassett (MFA/FP ’08) that pain was literal, and the result was a film aimed at helping sufferers of chronic pain explore a new avenue of relief, based on understanding that not all

The Biggest Downfalls for Indie Filmmakers and How to Avoid Them Presented by Chapman Alumni Paulina Lagudi ‘14 and Cooper Ulrich ‘14

November 19, 2018 by | Guests

Earlier this month, Alumni Paulina Lagudi ‘14 and Cooper Ulrich ‘14 returned to Chapman University to talk about their experience making an indie film, Mail Order Monster, and the mistakes you can avoid in the process. Top Ten Takeaways Get started on marketing early: You have to build your marketing plan into your business plan. Create your business plan and budget

Lexus and The Weinstein Company are Accepting Submissions from Up-and-Coming Filmmakers

July 20, 2017 by | Opportunities

The Weinstein Company and Lexus have partnered up to elevate the next generation of up-and-coming filmmakers. The fourth season of the award-winning Lexus Short Films is accepting submissions based on the theme TRANSFORMATION. Interested filmmakers can submit their films using Withoutabox without having to pay a submission fee. Submissions will be reviewed by an esteemed

Cinematography Shines at Dodge

February 3, 2016 by | Academics

“Visual Storytelling” is a phrase that comes around quite often throughout a student’s academic career. The “visual” aspect is created mainly from the cinematographers’ knowledge of the interaction between images and technology. “The cinematographer is an artist (a creator of images), a manager (of people and facilities), and a technician (with deep knowledge of the

Intel Says Dodge Is On Leading Edge Of Movies

June 8, 2015 by | Academics

Intel recently published an article about Dodge College is on the forefront of the digital movie-making age. They praised us for keeping up with technology, and using on-the-go powerhouse work stations to help students capture things they need on location, as opposed to being stuck on a sound stage. From the article: The film production

Film Assignment More Relevant Than Ever

November 17, 2014 by | Alumni

This past September at Impact14, I had a déjà vu moment that has been about ten years in the making. I’ll set the stage: I was at the annual conference hosted by the Internet Marketing Association, an organization established by Chapman University alumnus Sinan Kanatsiz. During the presentation by Kreg Peeler, CEO at SpinGo, Peeler showed

Roy Finch Teaches the Art of the Continuous Shot

June 16, 2014 by | Academics

Dodge College of Film and Media Arts offers a lot of amazing summer classes. For example, there is the The Continuous Take (FTV 329-04/529-04). Taught by Roy Finch , it’s the type of fun class that most students can’t even believe is a real offering. Ever since the beginning of film, continuous shots have

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