4 posts tagged



David Fury Speaks To New Era Of Television

September 17, 2015 by | Academics

I love LOST. It’s seriously my favorite TV show of all time. Hands down. So, of course, when I heard that David Fury, writer/producer extraordinaire, would be a guest for Ross Brown’s New Era of Television (TWP-510-01), I absolutely made myself available to hear him chat with the class. And the fact that he was

Pilots Shot During Interterm Are on the Road to Success!

January 29, 2015 by | Academics

Over on the Chapman Happenings blog, Dawn Bonker visited the set of “Calculations,” one of the two pilots the students filmed over the interterm here at Dodge College. From the post: Two pilot scripts are pitched, written and polished during spring and fall. But come January nearly 100 students come together to film them start

Current Student Spotlight: Colin Sommer

March 8, 2011 by | Admissions

Since I know most of you are in decision-making mode, or will hopefully be soon…I thought it would be helpful to hear from some of our current students here at Dodge College. I will be posting their experiences over the next few weeks. 

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