4 posts tagged

public relations and advertising


Careers in Marketing and Public Relations: Panel Event Recap

November 27, 2018 by | Career Resources

Earlier this month, Professor Todd Cooley hosted the panel event “Careers in Marketing & Public Relations”. This panel featured an executive recruiter and other experts with insight on the current job market, both locally and nationally. The panelists shared invaluable advice with students who are getting started in careers in marketing and public relations. Highlights 1.

Dodge Students Create Campaign to Face Mental Health Together

March 15, 2017 by Sabina Hahn & Katie Page | Programs

EDITOR’S NOTE: Five Dodge College students majoring in public relations and advertising (Mara Conway ’18, Sabina Hahn ’19, Katie Page ’19, Skye Sinyard ’18 and Allie White ’18) joined together to participate in this year’s Public Relations Student Society of America’s national Bateman Case Study Competition. The team created a series of events, a Self-Help

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