4 posts tagged

staff spotlight


Meet Our New Stage Manager – Marita Tyler!

January 9, 2017 by | Academics

Having trouble on the stages? Need a hand with construction rules? Want to know the do’s and don’ts of the new stages? Then you need to talk to Marita Tyler (MFA/Film Production & Cinematography ’11), Dodge College’s new Stage Manager! We obviously like to keep it within the Chapman family here, hiring alums to help

Dodge College Staff Spotlight: Sorrel Geddes

May 16, 2016 by | Academics

Throughout the year, we’ll be profiling the staff members at Dodge College to help you better understand who everyone is and what they do. Today, we look at Sorrel Geddes. What’s your name? Sorrel Geddes (BA/Public Relations and Advertising ’05). How do you pronounce my name, you ask? Just remember it this

We’re Alive – The End is Near!

July 14, 2014 by | Alumni

On July 19, 2014, We’re Alive will reach the end of its long journey. But that is still 5 days away, and Kc Wayland (BFA/Film and Television ’08) is still tweaking it to make sure the finale is just right. We’re Alive is an audio serial drama, which chronicles the story of Army

Chapman News: Before The Broadcast Begins

June 25, 2014 by | TV Writing / Production

The hustle and bustle of broadcast news is enough work to make even the most seasoned professional’s head spin. Dodge College students are no stranger to the task, though, as they air Chapman News every Friday at noon during the school year from Marion Knott Studios. However, most of the students working on the show

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