Jared Izumi (left) with Dean Donald Cardinal (right), Ph.D.

Jared Izumi (left) with Dean Donald Cardinal Ph.D., (right)

Congratulations to Jared Izumi, first year school psychology student, who entered the App Jam competition from April 11th to April 24th 2014, and won for User’s Choice Award (peer judge’s choice).

Jared came up with the concept of the app, called FAST and is intended to help parents through the special education process.

“ The Families and Schools Together (FAST) app is an application tailored to parents that have children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). The application supports parents by providing information, increasing organization, and facilitating collaboration between families and schools. Parents are given information about Individualized Education Plans, assessments, transitioning, service providers, and frequently asked questions in special education and ASDs. To improve organization, parents are given reminders about upcoming meetings and progress reports. The goal of the app is to provide information and organization for parents so that they can be active and equal team members in their child’s education”.  – Jared Izumi

Jared found a team that could support his goals, and created a first draft of the app- all within 2 weeks! (and he got his first year paper done at the same time- not sure how he did it)

Jared and his team- won the “users choice” award.  This award is such an honor because his app was selected as the “best” by a special group of judges who are diagnosed with Autism.


Please click on the Orange County Register to learn more!