Attallah College Dean Margaret Grogan and Associate Dean Michelle Samura share some words of wisdom with the Undergraduate Student Newsletter.

Dean, Dr. Margaret Grogan

Dr. Margaret Grogan

Dr. Margaret Grogan

This has been a truly landmark year for the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies. We began 2017/2018 with the renaming of our college. Donna Ford Attallah and her husband have been supporters of Chapman for many years, and as a lifelong educator and Chapman alumna, Donna has always had a special relationship with our college. It is an honor to partner with such a warm, giving leader who has dedicated her life to service.

Attallah College also had the pleasure of moving back into our beautiful, newly renovated home, Reeves Hall. The new technology in our lower-level learning labs offers opportunities for 21st century instruction and research. We’re excited to see how these learning spaces can foster a collaborative environment for our faculty, students, and broader community. In addition, we look forward to designing research studies to investigate innovative instruction methods.

To our IES and LEAD students graduating this year, we are so proud of your accomplishments. Whether your path takes you into the classroom or the broader community, I know that the knowledge and tools you gained in your studies and fieldwork will help you become leaders and change agents. In a time when our country feels so divided, may you look for common ground, always seeking ways to serve and build inclusive communities with opportunities for all.

Come back and let us know how you are doing and help us further develop this remarkable program.

Associate Dean, Dr. Michelle Samura

Dr. Michelle Samura

Dr. Michelle Samura

As we wrap up the 2017–2018 academic year, I want to acknowledge and express deep appreciation for the inaugural members of the Attallah College Undergraduate Leadership Council. They have established a strong foundation for an engaged student-led group and provided invaluable service to our college through support for outreach, events, the newsletter, and strategic planning for our undergraduate programs. I also want to extend special thanks to the founding Attallah Leadership Council Chairs—Alexa Abadee, Marina Ballesteros, Dorcas Hoi, Kristi Kayoda, Dayna Sipila, and Ansley Wong—for their vision, dedication, and hard work, which have greatly enhanced the Attallah College community and beyond. Please keep in mind that all Attallah College undergraduate students can apply to be an Attallah Leadership Council member. Stay tuned for the application process in the Fall.

Community and a sense of connectedness are deeply valued by the faculty and staff in the Attallah College. Whether this is your first or final year at Chapman, or perhaps it has been five years since you graduated, we truly hope that you K.I.T. Are you wondering what I mean? Back in the day, we would end our yearbook inscriptions with a fashionable “Stay cool,” followed by K.I.T., or “keep in touch.”

As cheesy as it may sound, there’s something to be said for the significance of staying connected. Life is full of adventures. Many highs and many lows. Knowing that you can call upon peers, mentors, and friends from the Attallah College with whom you have explored new perspectives, engaged in deep dialogue, celebrated accomplishments, and at times, navigated difficult topics can be sustaining. Collective experiences such as these set the groundwork for the Attallah College community, and we hope you will stay connected with each other and with us. Stay cool and K.I.T.

Excerpt from the Attallah College Undergraduate Student Newsletter.