The Attallah College of Educational published a statement in support of Black Lives Matter and condemning racism on June 11, 2020. As a college, we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students and more holistically serving the Black community, at Chapman University and beyond. This is an ongoing effort that must involve educating ourselves and others.

To address issues of equity and inclusion in our curriculum and practices, we must collectively begin a journey to more deeply understand race and the history of racism in the United States. As an initial step in this process, Attallah College has compiled a list of resources and organizations working to combat white supremacy and embrace diversity.

Note these resources are a starting point and in no way should be considered a thorough or complete list. We recommend you bookmark this page, as it will grow and evolve over time. If you would like to suggest a resource to be added to this page, please email us at

Anti-Racism and Community Activist Organizations

Chapman Resource Lists

Outside Resource Lists