Message from the Dean
January 6, 2023
The Attallah College of Educational Studies at Chapman University is a close collaborator with many local PreK-12 public school districts and their superintendents. Research has demonstrated consistently that educator preparation is most effective when it includes extensive presence in and participation of local schools. Our mutual, joint efforts prepare educators – classroom teachers, school counselors, and school psychologists – to serve students and families while responding to our local community’s greater needs.
Dr. Gunn Marie Hansen was an outstanding contributor to Attallah College’s programs, students, and alumni during her service as Superintendent and in prior district roles held in Orange Unified School District (OUSD). Her passion and commitment to equity and educational excellence mirror the vision and values of Attallah College, and Dr. Hansen’s skillful facilitation of Chapman’s educator preparation efforts contributed to the success of our graduates and OUSD employees with whom we have had the privilege to work.
As Dean of Attallah College and on behalf of our faculty, staff, students, and alumni, I wish to express my own and our collective gratitude for the countless ways Dr. Hansen tirelessly, and successfully, met the academic and non-academic needs of Orange’s children and families and provided opportunities for our students at Chapman University. It is my sincere hope that the strong partnership between Attallah College and Orange Unified School District will continue long into the future, fulfilling our shared mission to provide the highest quality education to all students.
Roxanne Greitz Miller, Ed.D.
Dean of Attallah College of Educational Studies
Donna Ford Attallah Professor of Teacher Education