Chapman University’s Attallah College Welcomes New Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society Initiates
June 17, 2024
Chapman University’s Attallah College is thrilled to welcome new initiates to the Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) International Honor Society with the support of chapter advisor Dr. Kristen Doorn, Instructional Assistant Professor, and Chapman’s Chi Beta KDP Chapter President Peyton Stryker.
KDP, founded in 1911, is an international honor society in education representing the top 20% of students entering the field. Chapman University’s Attallah College chapter, Chi Beta, provides excellent opportunities for aspiring educators, school psychologists, counselors, and school personnel to network, collaborate, and engage in philanthropy. Membership in the society offers numerous benefits, including nationwide networking events, access to career centers, member-only scholarships, and support from the organization and its fellow members in the education field.
Attallah College of Educational Studies congratulates the 14 initiates for joining a community of 35,000 peers and more than 700 chapters, making KDP the largest international honor society in education.
The Chi Beta chapter of KDP was organized at Chapman University in 1996 and reintroduced itself as an active student organization in 2014. Since then, the chapter has been recognized internationally for its dedication to excellence in all educational careers. The chapter commits itself to educational excellence and strives to maintain the values of Excellence, Integrity, Expertise, Equity, Diversity, and Empathy.
Congratulations to Attallah College’s KDP Chi Beta Chapter new initiates:
Cassie Ambrose
Rachael Bae
Kaylee Campana
Caroline Claudson
Emily Drum
Maya Ginsburg
Kassandra Hernandez
Serena Lovell
Carys Nelson
Shoshana Paiement
Jordan Robbins
Talia Schauder
Madeline Sweeney
Eliza Wenger
Peyton Winsett